Frameworks and Tools
We are model modelers.
We are contributing to the foundations of modeling and simulation, from basic research to frameworks and tools, to support finding solutions to challenging and novel problems.
Predictive planning for water-energy systems
Integrated RESTful WEAP-KIB-LEAP: It is a general composable, RESTful modeling and interoperable simulation framework supporting long-term planning of water-energy systems at realistic scales. It enables development of water, energy, and their interaction models: Componentized WEAP, Knowledge Interchange Broker, and Componentized LEAP. It can be used for simulating long-term planning such as the Phoenix Active Management Area.
Compoentized WEAP: This is a RESTful framework that automatically generates components for the entities of any WEAP system, a propitiatory, commercial tool for simulating and analyzing water systems. it can be used as a standalone simulator.
Compoentized LEAP: This is a RESTful framework that automatically generates components for the entities of any LEAP system, a propitiatory, commercial tool for simulating and analyzing energy systems. It can be used as a standalone simulator.
Modeling Tools
PVM: This is a novel visual and persistent RESTful tool for creating modular and hierarchical component models. The tool separates while synchronizing the complementary visual and persistent models. Models can be independently and visually explored at multiple hierarchy levels and stored in MongoDB. The tool displays the structural metrics for any component at any level in its hierarchy.
CoSMoSim: an integrated platform for system model development, simulation, and experimentation. It has a unified logical, visual, and persistent modeling foundation supporting specifying families of parallel DEVS, Cellular Automata & XML-Schema models.
OSATE-DEVS: An integrated open source framework supporting hybrid AADL and DEVS modeling and simulation for embedded and cyber-physical systems (CPS). This framework has a DEVS Annex which is integrated with OSATE, a framework for development of embedded software systems using AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language).
Other Simulators
SimRS: It is open source web-enabled discrete event simulator for event graphs. It generates and simulates Event Graph models from DEVS atomic and coupled models with a model transformation method.
MS4 Me: this tool and DEVS-Suite share the same lineage (DEVSJAVA simulator). Each tool offers its own advanced capabilities. Focusing on models and simulations, the DEVS-Suite and MS4 Me have significant differences, for example, the former in terms of control modes and visualizations and latter for activity modeling.
DEVS/C++: a user-manual. The C++ code is not available; the manual is useful given the major similarities between the C++ and Java programming languages.